
July 17, 2012: Enoby emerges from the blood-soaked shadows of Hogwarts' forbidden corners to officially join in our poking of a certain elephantine preppy man.

October 5, 2011: Spring cleaning.

July 17, 2011: After weeks of inactivity and a pretty epic smackdown, Ryuu takes his forum offline. Oh shucks.



Okay, so it’s not an FAQ as much as it is a hypothetical FAQ. However, I felt the need to make sure there was something available to answer general questions. Not that I think anyone will pay it enough attention, once this blog is unveiled. Ah well, I seem to like exercises in futility.

Why do you hate Ryuu?

We do not hate Ryuu. Hate is too strong of an emotion to waste on him, even counting his homophobia. I certainly do not like him, but even more than that, I do not like the idea that his work is as praised as it is while any actual criticism that comes his way that isn’t heavily coated in sugar is censored.

You're just jealous!

*Hysterical laughter*

(Also, that's not a question.)

Why don't you mind your own business?

That works both ways. Why don't you mind yours? It's not as though we're broadcasting our blog all over the forums he frequents or his deviantArt page. We didn't make you come here.

Why don't you get a life?

The man you're defending is 24 and lives vicariously through his sue-ish OCs for Legend of Zelda, and that's somehow fine but we should get a life? If we need to "get a life", so does he.

And before anyone asks: it actually doesn't take a lot of time out of my day to do this, so it's not like I'm wasting away my life obsessing over this. Surprise! Blogs aren't hard to maintain! HTML and built-in text editors aren't hard. Writing doesn't take that long to do.

Where's your amazing OC, then, if you're so great?

Not on this site. This is a failblog.

In all seriousness, it's a logical fallacy to think we must prove our genius abilities to do x if we're going to criticize x. I don't need to get a book published to know that Silk and Steel, the second book in the Bronwyn Trilogy is horrible writing.

Why are you doing this?

Honestly, it's partly boredom, partly revenge for his homophobia, and largely for infesting a fandom I love with his terrible OCs.

His praised lack of originality is offensive to the sort of people I support, who work hard making OCs from scratch and try to make them logical, original, creative, and interesting. It encourages laziness and cheap knockoffs of already loved characters and hurts originality to support his work blindly.

How are his OCs unoriginal?

He specifically takes preexisting characters from canon and uses them - or at least their appearances - to make his own characters. Sometimes, characters have equipment that are like a canon character's equipment but better.

(Example: young Ryukenden finding a Goron tunic that's just magically young!Ryu sized, but stronger than Link's.)

When people mistake his characters for their canon counterparts (and it's a when, not an if), he lists minute superficial differences. Like they wear different colors, or they're right-handed instead of left-handed.

He also admits to taking whole cloth ideas and designs from other artists or franchises that he happens to like at the moment (something he calls "inspiration" but the rest of us know it as "ripping things off"). Whatever variation from the original source that he does show in his characters, you can bet that it came from someone else.

Why don't you just criticize him on his own page, instead of being rude and making this blog?

There is reason to believe that any criticism that isn't thoroughly glazed in praise will be argued with, hidden, or brushed off with some-or-another excuse.

In addition, such comments would get lost in a sea of mindless praise. Here, the criticism and decided lack of sugar can accumulate into something that may not get noticed, but certainly won't get lost amongst the endless ego-stroking.

What if Ryuu decided to shape up and make not-bad characters?

Then good for him. That would show improvement in his abilities that I think he sorely needs. We would also eventually run out of material and this blog would fade away like so much mist in the morning sun.

Except less poetic.

Who are you people?

Cyber Moth, Dr. Whatshisface, Rinku, Calamareye, Ebony Dark'ness etc etc, and the She Elf.

Who is the Cyber Moth?

A businessfag.

Who is that Mysterious Dr. Whatsisface?

Some douchebag.

Who's Rinku?

Some dork.

Who is Calamareye?

A tasty snack.

Who is Ebony?

Wicked hardcore goff Stanist.

Who are you?

"U" are a letter.

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