
July 17, 2012: Enoby emerges from the blood-soaked shadows of Hogwarts' forbidden corners to officially join in our poking of a certain elephantine preppy man.

October 5, 2011: Spring cleaning.

July 17, 2011: After weeks of inactivity and a pretty epic smackdown, Ryuu takes his forum offline. Oh shucks.


Is This Some Conspiracy? Short answer is NO.

(I gotta stop listening to Pantera while I write. Whatever.)

This was quite a while ago, but you might remember how I said I'd seen some of LZ and Ryuu's characters on Tumblrs completely unrelated to our lovely little failblog.

Long story short? I was an idiot and didn't save the links. Imagine my surprise when an anonymous source stumbled on the Tumblrs in question, compiled the links for me and sent them on through my email (, guys. Yep, it's time to shamelessly ask for submissions!) There's a couple I missed, too! So thank you for being super-awesome, kind anon.

EDIT (1 July 2012): I never really clarified what I meant by submissions, did I? I actually don't want evidence of him being a garden variety dicklizard and/or asscheese, as there's plenty of that out there. I want the big stuff! 

Got links to some of Ryuu's characters being posted on Mary-Sue blogs or Tumblrs that I missed? I want to see 'em! Screenshots of him being a douche on some forum or other? I wanna see 'em! Anything at all relating to his bigotry? Pass that shit on! There's gotta be stuff we're not aware of, and that's why I've got submissions open. Your identity stays completely anonymous! ... Gods, I sound like a used car salesquid.

I'm uploading these for the sake of posterity and because I'm frankly sick to shit of Ryuu acting like everyone who dislikes him is interconnected. I am not the submitter/reblogger/uploader, and I'm not aware of who is. I'd like to thank everyone who submitted/reblogged/uploaded them, though, because I've rarely seen anyone do anything but kiss ass.

Fuck Yeah Mary Sues - Maria (Cherry's mother)
Fuck Yeah Terrible OCs - Serenity
DreamsOfInfinite's reblog and criticism of Serenity
Fuck Yeah Terrible OCs - Ryo
DreamsOfInfinite's reblog and criticism of Ryo

 EDITED 19 JUNE 2012, screens supplied by Rinku:

GetOutOfHyrule (now removed)- Cecil
GetOutofHyrule (now removed) - Vassi

  EDITED 7 JULY, 2012; screens supplied by the same anon who gave me the other Tumblr links: 
DreamsOfInfinite's post on Child of the Triforce
Some followup, also from DreamsOfInfinite

This list is kind of subject to change whenever if new links are found and/or submitted, as I intend to use this as a resource bank of sorts. "Your one stop shop for calling Ryuu out on his BS", basically. Send the link on to whoever's protesting then move on.

(And if any existing links go dead it's probably because Ryuu cried. The people who run the FuckYeahMarySues and FuckYeahTerribleOCs tumblrs are much nicer than I would be, I swear.)


  1. I dunno why he runs around thinking we're all the same group of people. Silly of him.

    But yeah, that was really nice of Anon for helping us out.

  2. Epic submissions! Screenshotted, in case they get deleted. Oman, I wanna read that sporking something fierce.

    Have some more! These are from, a blog that (unfortunately) no longer exists. I guess people got pissed that their precious OCs were sporked, so they bullied the blogmaster into submission.

    As a bonus, here's Ryuu's reaction when he found out:

    "[T]hey've shown their own immaturity and intolerance to imagination." OHH RYUU. You need an imagination before people can be intolerant to it.

    1. Ahahaha, awesome.

      Adding this into the list of resources because it should be there.

      Have I told you recently that you're awesome? Because you are.

    2. Oh squiddy, I already told you that you aren't getting a discount. Full price and that's final.

    3. Aww. Can you blame a cephalopod for trying, though?
