
July 17, 2012: Enoby emerges from the blood-soaked shadows of Hogwarts' forbidden corners to officially join in our poking of a certain elephantine preppy man.

October 5, 2011: Spring cleaning.

July 17, 2011: After weeks of inactivity and a pretty epic smackdown, Ryuu takes his forum offline. Oh shucks.


On the Comfort of Bigots

DarklordIIID says:
For the record, this is the first I've ever heard of homophobia from [Ryuu]. He never mentioned anything against gays in any of our conversations. ... Again, it's everywhere, and hardly that evident in Ryuu's writing, his characters, or himself for that matter.

Guideline 6: Homosexuality
Though we do not deny you the right to create such a character, please be aware that others may be offended by such an act. We wish not to make any members uncomfortable, so if you do wish to make such a character, please refrain from any inappropriate behaviors.

And by "any members", he means of the non-LGBT sort.

The pleas that Ryuu isn't homophobic because he doesn't outright state that he hates gay people can be put to rest with this one rule. This rule makes evident that Ryuu is not only homophobic and heterosexist, but he believes that the "discomfort" that bigots feel when they're reminded that gay people exist is greater and more worthy of consideration than the hurt that gay people feel when they're -- once again -- excluded and made to feel "othered" and less of a person.

This is, of course, because Ryuu is accustomed to the privilege that goes with being a middle-class, straight, Christian, (presumably white) cisgender male in America. He is used to having the status quo cater to him and those like him, and therefore, is used to the automatic assumption that his wants, needs, and comforts supersede those who live outside what he perceives as "normal" and "good." "Hey, you other people. I know society revolves around me 99% of the time anyway, but would you mind thinking about how I feel, for a change? Thanks."

He doesn't consider the effects on others of saying things like:
And even so, I believe the vast of us are straight, so we'd best not want to make everyone else uncomfortable, yes? Just a thought.

Effects such as the feeling that just because someone is a minority, their discomfort is unworthy of consideration. That because more people are straight, their feelings are superior.

That because someone is not straight, they are less than human.

Ryuu's privilege means he doesn't have to deal with being excluded. He doesn't have to know that exclusion hurts. The feeling that you aren't worth being around, that you are less than human, that you are "other", that you are inconsequential and unworthy of consideration just because you are different hurts like a punch in the stomach, except it goes right down into your soul. This is something that straight, white, Christian, American, cisgender males like Ryuu generally don't have to deal with.
StolenFayth said:
I can see why Ryo made the rule. It [homosexuality] may make other members uncomfortable, or it may really upset some people. So it's more for the good then the bad.

It's little wonder, then, that he thinks it's very important that his straight, Christian sensibilities not be disturbed, over all others, because that's the top priority that they "deserve". Hence, the rule is "more for the good [than] the bad"; it's more "good" for you LGBT folks to acknowledge these needs over your own -- or, at least, it's less "bad" to sacrifice your own personhood than to make him feel uncomfortable with your presence.

Of course, there are many straight, white, Christian, American, cisgender males in this country who share this same privilege, but don't go out of their way to exclude and dehumanize minorities with words like, "Your presence makes us uncomfortable, so think about our feelings." Obviously, it's not a requirement to be an oppressive bigot, and to see your personal feelings as superior to the feelings of those who don't share your particular position as a member of the social majority. Ryuu really has no excuse, here.
StolenFayth said:
Everyone has their own views, their own beliefs, and to call them on it, and say it's wrong, is what makes this society unbelievably doomed.

Let's try a little experiment, shall we? Let's change the wording of that rule a little bit:

"Guideline 6: Non-Whites
Though we do not deny you the right to create such a character, please be aware that others may be offended by such an act. We wish not to make any members uncomfortable, so if you do wish to make such a character, please refrain from any inappropriate behaviors."

How do these sound, now?

"I can see why Ryo made the rule. It may make other members uncomfortable, or it may really upset some people. So it's more for the good then the bad."

"There are those of us in ZEJ who finds the [non-white skin] quite disturbing. ... And even so, I believe the vast of us are [white], so we'd best not want to make everyone else uncomfortable, yes? Just a thought."

"From what I know, the people who actually RP here in the zelda section (Princess Zelda and me) are disturbed by that. So, if this just isn't an option for you, I'd like to lay down a couple of extra rules for you specificly.
Namely, please do not flirt with [white] characters of other people. I can't say anyone will like you if you do this.
And if you can minimize such... activity, it'd greatly be appreciated."

"Yes, I am greatly disturbed by it. I'm not afraid to say so."

Would anyone deny the blatant racism, if this rule was against non-white characters instead of gay characters? I think not.

I hope not.

So, why is it different for gay people? Is it because gay people are incapable of feelings? Is it because gay people are less human?
StolenFayth said:
Zismo, you have your beliefs, Ryo his. Do not critisize people on the way they were raised. It goes no where. This is how wars start. Hitler, anyone?

Banned User said:
Good point, Hitler.
He also hated a group of people, look what happened!

...Okay, there's really no other reason for this quote than to laugh at the phenomenal irony of comparing Hitler to speaking out against prejudice.

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