
July 17, 2012: Enoby emerges from the blood-soaked shadows of Hogwarts' forbidden corners to officially join in our poking of a certain elephantine preppy man.

October 5, 2011: Spring cleaning.

July 17, 2011: After weeks of inactivity and a pretty epic smackdown, Ryuu takes his forum offline. Oh shucks.


Oh no! An Internet Tough Guy!

Cala here again.

A dear friend of mine, posting under the DeviantArt account of Change-Or-Die (not her standard account but if you really think I'm giving her actual account name up, you need to get your head examined now), has been trolling the shit out of Ryuu on and off for the hell of it.

My friend here is also responsible for getting Zelda: Epic Journeys taken down under yet another alias. So, yeah. She's epic. Massively epic, in fact, as she did that while drunk.

Anyway, she gave me permission to post this. After said drunk/bored trolling a few months back, she left the account where it was due to, you know, having a busy job.

One of the members of Ryuu's buttsex brigade sent her a note shortly after she vanished. She discovered this today (January 19) upon checking and I asked her permission to post all this. It was granted readily.

From GoddessofWisdomWater (side note: what kind of fucking name is that?; screenshot courtesy of Change-Or-Die):

In case you can't read that, for whatever reason? It says:

'I have been tracking your, eh, messages to people. Espeacialy Ryuu Atrineas. I suggest that if you don't stop being rude, obnoxious and treating people like dirt, then just drop dead. Oh and then burn in hell for all eternity.'

Let's ignore the fucking disgusting levels of hypocrisy. Well, okay, let's not. But I'm only going to point out that telling someone to stop being 'rude, obnoxious and treating people like shit' and vaguely threatening them with death and torture for all eternity is rather ironic.

I totally understand why she's kissing Ryuu's ass so much, mind. A quick glance through her gallery shows she has the same level of creativity. Which is to say, NONE.

Ryuu? I dunno if you're capable of comprehending this but when you associate with people like this it reflects badly on you. Very badly, in fact. This is also why nobody gives you criticism without kissing your ass so much they're essentially rimming you. Which you like in every sense.

Nobody wants to deal with your bitchy, hypocritical fan squad. Even eight arms aren't enough to slap you all with.

Right, on another note entirely, have a mini interview with the mountain of win that took down Ryuu's forum, Ms. Change-or-die herself.

Q: You clearly have a major problem with him but exactly why do you hate Ryuu?
A: "Oh, it could be that he hasn't had an original thought since the day he was horribly brought into this world by a guy in a white coat. It could also be his complete ignorance when it comes to, well, pretty much anything. The guy is a complete asshole as well."

Q: Well, that makes sense to me, at least. Are there any characters in particular you have a problem with?
A: I'd have to say that each character of his has a special place in my mind where they are being tortured in one way or another. Some by stabbing, some set on fire, others having to watch Barney until their eyes bleed from their sockets... Or if it's Ryuu then he gets all of the above. I have never come across such a horrible mary-sue in my lifetime. We all have some sort of character that we create when we're young and it isn't the greatest idea but it evolves into something much better. He has never done that with Ryuu. They guy can do pretty much anything in the world and has no true weakness. Having a high temper doesn't mean anything; it just makes him more like the Incredible Hulk than anything else."

Q: Which is exactly what we've been saying. It's not just us, clearly. But, any parting words for Ryuu and his fucking fansquad?
A: "I'd just be repeating myself from the post I made in the forum and in the comments I've left for him all over dA. Though I would like to say this to his followers: You are all complete morons for even going along with the garbage that spews from his mouth and onto his characters. You need to get your heads out of your asses and see the light. Honestly I'm wasting my fingers typing to them but oh well. And that is all I can think of. Thank you for your time and thank you people on this blog for realizing the utter bullshit that this guy puts out. That is all.

So that's it for the interview with Change-Or-Die, thanks to her for her time. If anyone else would like to submit anything, you can leave a comment or email me at ryuusubmissions [at] yahoo [dot] com. You can be as anonymous or as public as you like. I love love love submissions, people! Screenshots help too, by the bye.

Sources, etc.:
Q-and-A with C-O-D conducted over MSN Instant Messenger. Title came from my best friend's reaction when I showed him the message. God doesn't approve, people.
C-O-D's DA: Not a lot there. Obviously.
GoddessofWisdomWater's DA: Warning: massive fail is contained in this gallery.


  1. You're not the only one who hated Ryo, his history dips back in the past, of Rayman Pirate Community days. roflmfao (the orsumest one for last! lawl)

    Timoo really hated Ryo:

    Revealed RyO's real name:

    Most OrSuM 1's of all! LOLLOL!!!11oneone1!1

    Ryu's nick name is FuCkFaCe LOL

    And teh bestest for lastest! Timo0's homosexual charactor on fuckface's board lawlmfaoroflmfaololmfao!

  2. Whooooman, he's really pissed off quite a few people. I also know Hoodcom's also got his head so far up Ryuu's ass I'm surprised he can SEE..

    Thanks for the links, it's good to know we're not the only ones who've called Ryuu on his crock of shit.

    If you don't mind me asking, do you know why he was hated so much there? 'Cause I'm nosy and stuff.

  3. lel, RyUu was once known as ray2master at raymanpc who made his own fucking rules when he was moderator lul, hunchman801 hated that tbh, what a fuckface ryo was destroying our image. pr0oO is not amused ffs, his boon-o-metre exploded, lawlmfao

    his fuckface fan club has also came from rosaf ffs. ran by ryan-phoenixan and pyra~demeitra, not to forget that fuckface slayerx who thought matyuv haxxed ryo lulmafao sl4y3r is ryUu's biggest dicklicker i swear the two r in luv lel

    fuckin hilarius when th31 spamed ryUs bored tbh lul matuv haxxed ryu's spyborg and childofthetriforce email for orsum infermation lel andy is his lame name ffs. never found a pic of teh fuckface tbh :(

    hereare his dicklicking dick squad lel:

    al from rosaf, raymanzone, raymanpc, andzej ffs lel kthxbai

    btw luv teh orsum blog tbh, ryu teh fuckface must pay ffs

  4. ... Good god, I knew the guy had ego problems, but what the f... He already thinks all of us are working in the same group. He's got some serious self-delusion problems.

    I'm horrified but somehow not surprised. Maybe because he still seems to have a thing for yanking rules out of his ass on the fly.

    Interestingly, Hoodcom in all his waste of space glory(?) seems to have taken over the position of 'Ryuu's Biggest Dicksucker'. He's even decided he's Ryuu's white knight. AWW, SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH ON RYUU, HOW SWEET. And that Pyra-Demeitra girl seems to be white knighting for Hoodcom. My god. They're all licking each others' asses.

    But, thank you so much for the links, information and the kind words! Just curious, d'you have any screenshots you'd be willing to send through the '' email? If not, no big deal.

    I'm just unfortunately (despite what I suspect Ryuu thinks) fairly busy at the moment and we're kind of pretty big on screenshotted evidence here. Nothing against you, but Ryuu backpedals so quickly that I'm pretty sure he causes changes in the wind patterns. Physical evidence can kind of prevent him from getting away with lying, y'know?

    Also, would you mind if I included the links and your comment in a post pointing out that 'WE'RE NOT ALL AFFILIATED RYUU, YOU IDIOT'?

    1. ffs my comment didnt post grr, that boon-o-metre on ryuU exploded again!

      ne way here are proofs of is booness lul, chek this page out on throwing a fit on homosexuals roflmfao lul:

      then enforcing his own rules like he has a broom stick up his arse, modding the admins post of ALL posts:

      then modding damn out of th3()nes post:

      big boony cry baby ryuU hates cuss words roflmfao lul

      then xenon & hoodcum talk about ryUu hating cuss words rofl:

      leaving b/c they use hell shit damn fuck piss such a faggot fuckin boon ryUu is makin his own rulez

      btw yes you can includ my áışber Orsum comments & links ;o

      srry i canot find teh post on matuv haxxing ryuu i tink it was deleted by a boon grr

      if i find moar info ill let u no kthxbai

  5. better than screen shots, living proof on teh site, look here:

    editing hunchman801's, the mighty admin's post over using "hell" roflmfao lellel whata boon

    then th3()ne's post here:

    post page about teh boon leaving raymanpc lurl, good riddance:

    left b/c of people saying hell, damn, fuck, shit, piss roflmfao lulul

    srry i couldnt find the thread of the haxx by matuv, i think it was deleted =( it had ryos mail address, would have been perfect tbh

    orsum, use all my comments & links, lel if i find moar info ill post lulkthxbai

  6. i sent u an orsum email sense my coments wouldnt work, i tink it may work now tho.

    moar on sl4y3r x insulting matyuv b/c of his defense on ryUu lel:

    ryuu talking about teh creation of Zej:

    ryUu's first forum lul:

    first site lul:

  7. Apparently Ryuu's made of so much fail the comment system decided the world doesn't need to see that.

    But thank you again! This should work excellently.

  8. The mysteriously disappearing posts had been caught by the spam filter. Probably 'cause of all the links. No prob, though, I let 'em loose.

  9. D'aww, look at all the ad hominem attacks. Aren't you just precious? Seriously, attacking us and calling us names, (ridiculous as yours may be) isn't going to persuade us Ryuu's a great guy.

    Look, I doubt this is what you want to hear but the cold hard truth of the matter is that Ryuu hasn't changed at all. He couches his bigotry and giant ego in more well-mannered terms than he did in 2004. But it's still there.

    He lied about fixing his forum's layout for more or less 40 days, according to a close friend of mine who was a member. He took the forum down, did nothing and claimed he fixed it instead of saying "thanks for the input but I have no intention of redoing it at this time". If you seriously think that's an honest and upright move, I can't help you.

    I also recall seeing a post from his own moderator saying she felt uncomfortable as a bisexual woman moderating a forum where the founder was openly anti-gay. I also recall LZ apologized for that. I have a whole set of issues with her but at least she had the balls to apologize for that. Ryuu did not.

    Perhaps that doesn't bother you but it bothers me that he didn't even bother to respond when his moderator put a good deal on the line there.

    If you can give me definitive proof Ryuu's ceased to be a giant bigot incapable of taking criticism, I'm all ears. Eyes. Pick one, they both work. I'd love to hear he's changed. I'm serious, I know people can and if he's genuinely gotten over himself I'd love to hear it. As it is, I have no reason to believe it.

    Especially as I was just forwarded information proving yet AGAIN he's prone to trying to guilt people.

    Also, if this serving absolutely no purpose and is such a silly waste of time, dare I ask why you're even bothering to comment? You realize this just keeps me, at least, from taking anything you say seriously, right?

  10. Wow.

    Look at you guys. You've created an entire website just to pick on one person...

    Guys, listen. I know you've had problems with Ryu in the past, and fine. There are people I don't like as well. But...maybe creating an entire website designed to make his life hell is the wrong way to go about it? Surely there are other ways to settle your differences or something.

    So, in short, maybe you need to give this a rest. He seems quite nice now from what I've seen of him, so maybe this has all gone too far and you should both try and srttle this the non-malicious way.

    Okay? ^^

    1. Thank you for being civil, at least.

      Creating a Blogger isn't a huge amount of work, really. At all.

      Honestly, if this is 'making his life hell', then he's gonna have a shitload of fun in the real world. We were civil, at one point. Then he took a giant dump on that. You can go back through the posts, if you'd like. I'm the most vocally mean here, and I was trying to get his attention. Clearly I have. But he still can't contact me directly. I've given him every reason

      No, when he's called me 'GROSS' and 'DISGUSTING' I can't let that slide. He is a giant bigot and I refuse to stand back and tolerate that. I've also just been informed to the link where you all came from. He... We have never once attacked his religion. I don't give a damn what he believes. However, he's copy and pasted that journal from DA before. He's... Not even changed anything.

  11. No one gives a fuck. That person that defended Ryo, I don't even know if they really were sided with ryo (meaning real) or not. That person went a bit too far, yes.

    I think you are distorting his image a bit. Anti-gay isn't biggotry at all. It's just his belief that he has with his religion. You aren't very understanding. Ego? I don't know, he would have to come and talk about that.

    And don't go and say "Oh you are calling us names" because you already have gone there yourself. So you aren't as credible.

    If you really want to know if Ryo is a great guy, go talk to him yourself. You'd learn a thing or two.

    1. Hey look! You gave enough of a fuck to comment!

      ... Oh my god. Yes. Yes it is bigotry. I should seriously not have to explain this in 2012. Bigotry should not get a pass because of religion. If he was a member of a sect that hated black people or Hispanic people, would you still be okay with that? It's exactly the same thing. With that kind of non-logic, man, you're only hurting his case.

      He has called gays gross and disgusting. He has insulted myself and several of my dear friends with that. I really don't care if it's from 2004, there's been no indication that's changed.

      Frankly, I've seen more than enough to make a call whether I have or have not spoken to him. And my call is very much negative. Why should I go out of my way to speak to him face to face when he's made it clear I'm a lesser being in his eyes?

  12. No. I have grown up with the notion of that not being right, so it makes sense that he would also have this belief. I'm catholic. Yet, I haven't been to church as often. My parents, aren't open to that. (I would never even SPEAK to them about that) I'm open to that, because i'm young, and it doesn't matter to me. (I'm straight btw)

    It's not non-logic. It's a complicated thing.

    That's how he felt about them. So I would just respect his opinion, not really... spew words against him because of that.

    I mean if he has really hurt you, i'm sorry. But you want 'evidence', so the best way to get that, is to speak to him. Not have this blog where everyone else has to post about it...

    1. I was raised Presbyterian. I was baptized Catholic. I am now an agnostic atheist. I do not hate Christians. I'd have to hate everyone in my family, or nearly so. My father's side is devoutly Catholic, my mother's side is Christian Reformed, and my younger sibling is a Baptist. I am not anti-Christian. I am anti bigotry. More to the point, I know several Christians of various denominations who are appalled by statements like Ryuu's. I doubt Ryuu's much older than you are, if not younger. He's making it out like we're attacking Christianity and calling him names and we're... Not.

      I certainly disagree there. But go on, I'm bored. Try and explain it to me, please? I was raised to be a GIGANTIC HOMOPHOBE but it's been so long since I managed to get my head outta my ass on that regard I can't really remember what the logic is.

      So... I should let him call me gross and disgusting. I'm not straight. I'm bi. So why should I just take that lying down? Would you be okay if he said 'blacks are GROSS and DISGUSTING' or 'Hispanic people are GROSS and DISGUSTING' or 'Jews are GROSS and DISGUSTING'? I didn't just wake up and suddenly decide I played for both teams, dude. Nobody does. So he considers me gross and disgusting and you expect me to just take it and run around pissing sunshine? I... Really don't know what to tell you, dude. It doesn't work that way, I'm afraid.

      I dunno if someone's holding a gun to your head or what but we're not MAKING people post here. But comments are available to encourage discussions.

      Also, people have tried to before. The She-Elf, a former contributor, has tried privately and communication just... Stopped after a while. I'm also told that Dr. (_______) has had the same experience, and he's still on the blog. Why would I even waste my time when he'll just cooperate for as long as he feels it'll take to get us to stop and then just... Passive-aggressively cop out? That's disgusting, and he has no right to call us cowards when he does that.

  13. Ah, I see. I haven't really seen his statements, but I was never really into RP'ing because I sucked at that anyways. I know he was strict with gay/bi characters though.

    Ok. It's like this, you can't change someone's mind on what their preferences are. You know with your family, it's the same with others. I mean respect as in "ok well that's your oponion, I disagree though" and leave it at that. Let bygones be bygones.

    What the... Look. If a person was saying how he hated black or hispanic men, I wouldn't do anything. I don't fight unless I have a DAMN GOOD REASON TO. Seriously. Those are:

    1. To defend myself
    2. To defend others

    That's it.

    Now, you CAN talk to him. You can say "Hey look, I don't like that you are saying this in this way because I feel degraded" and hopefully, you can solve it that way.

    No I'm not saying you are forcing us to. I'm posting because I want to. But I'm saying this shouldn't be the way to "find out stuff" about Ryo. You really have to learn how to confront people when you have an issue. Not just "Oh no I don't want to deal with that ever again".

    You just have to understand that he's a bit strict. I mean you should know that by his site rules. We all know. But you shouldn't stop trying, because he may 'cop out'. Some people have issues with confronting things head on. You can't... really do anything about that. (I have experienced this) It is situational.

    And about the cowards thing. If you don't try talking to him yourself, then don't you think it's partially warranted? Sure the other bloggers have. But not you (I think). Sure, it may be irritating to you since you have felt insulted, but you got to be real with yourself.

    1. Perhaps you should read them, just to see where we're coming from?

      So I should be a doormat and let him walk all over me. No. Not an option, I'm afraid.

      I think there's been a miscommunication. I didn't say what would you do,. I said what would your opinion be. You can have an opinion without doing anything, right?

      Do you really not think that approach has been taken? As far as I understand it, it's been taken to private conversations TWICE. For some reason 'fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me' comes to mind. The She-Elf and the Doc are clearly more patient than I am. really. After he's screwed us over twice? He can make the next move. Directly. To me. I will not be strung along. I refuse to make the first move, but I'm receptive to contact.

      Okay, so... Why do I have to bend over backwards for him? I've offered several chances for him to contact me. Everyone else has, too. But what he's done is run to a forum and send his fans out to try and get the meanieheads to stop. No, we should not have to bend over backwards for him. He's 22 years old. I'm his age. Somewhat younger, I believe. I will not coddle someone older than me.

      I'm not confrontational either, honestly. You call me a coward, though, and here I am, conversing with you fairly civilly. Face to face. I have not dragged anyone into this. I have not run and cried for back up. I am not going to coddle a grown man.

      If he wants to fix this, then the floor is his. I will not make the first move. I have no obligation to him, but I'm willing to make peace. I question the sincerity of his intentions, though, when he found the post and the first thing he did was run off for backup. You'll understand I'm extremely skeptical.

  14. No, it's fine. If there is a particular quote you'd like to bring up, be my guest. I understand the situation well enough. (Rather, you might have to because the site is down anyways)

    Again, you can't change people's beliefs. I'm telling you, both of you have to talk somehow. It doesn't matter, him to you, or you to him.

    You have to just BITE your tongue, and speak to him. You are kind of letting your pride get in the way. "Oh no I will NOT be the one contacting him, HE SHOULD be coming here" will NOT solve anything. It'll only make me and you argue lots more. (and/or others)

    But, I'm not going to keep telling you to go talk to him. I just hope you both talk somehow, and get this whiffed.

    And i'm not calling you a coward, but I will say both of you have not really, made the first move. You made a blog, he made a DA. But you said you don't like confrontations, so... I respect that.

    1. I'm a bit distracted at the moment (my dog's decided he needs attention) but I'll get back to you when I find them.

      No, but I refuse to make the first move. I'm sitting here talking to you all, one on one, and he set this up. The least he can do is shoot me off an email.

      Honestly, you have yet to explain to me why I have to make the first move, man. HE wants it to stop. I couldn't possibly care less. It's a way for me to waste some free time, seriously. If he wants it to happen, he's gonna need to make it happen. I absolutely will not back down on this. I am not his servant. I've given him ample opportunities. Again, I'm home and free nearly all weekend.

      Please, don't. I'm not going to budge on this, as it's no skin off my nose if he doesn't. I have nothing to lose here. If he's willing to talk then we'll have a rational discussion between adults. If he's not then I still have something to kill time between classes.

      Shoulda mentioned this before but this discussion is pretty much moot anyway as I have no method to contact Ryuu. Even if I wanted to, no dice.

      I take some umbrage to that remark, really. I've not dragged at least three other people into this. He did the exact opposite of making the first move. He called in reinforcements first thing. I dislike confrontation but the fact remains that I'm an adult and need to deal. So, I'm answering every comment posed to me.

      This is all on him now, honestly. I appreciate your civility and lack of personal attacks, however. It's been enjoyable talking to you, if a little frustrating.
