
July 17, 2012: Enoby emerges from the blood-soaked shadows of Hogwarts' forbidden corners to officially join in our poking of a certain elephantine preppy man.

October 5, 2011: Spring cleaning.

July 17, 2011: After weeks of inactivity and a pretty epic smackdown, Ryuu takes his forum offline. Oh shucks.


Let's do the time warp again!

Oh look, I got bored and someone just conveniently sent me a link to something, so I'm back. You know who else is back?

Ryuu's Silver the Hedgehog recolor. That's right, we've gone back in time to c. 2005.When every twelve year old under the sun made Sonic recolors and boasted about how great their ORIGINAL CHARACTERS (donut steel) were.
Why do all of LZ's characters address all of Ryuu's with titles?
It's fucking creepy especially if they're supposed to be friends.
This is in fact actually a new picture, despite the fact that there's no significant change if any to the character design and the pose is EXACTLY THE SAME AS HE'S ALWAYS DONE. So Ryuu apparently hasn't improved much if at all.

Except he's learned to erase better and isn't using lined paper anymore, so good on him for that, at least. 

But now we get to have fun with Ryuu's description, because that's why I posted this!

Unfortunately, there's another reason I drew Spike, especially now.
... the fuck does this sentence even mean? Did he forget a couple of words or something? This is less coherent than usual, and considering his baseline level of English mastery is "a fourteen year old on shrooms with a thesaurus" that's... kinda sayin' a lot.
The reason I say "unfortunately" is because the reason is, Spike's been stolen before.
So he... stole a character, and then the stolen character got stolen again? And now his jimmies are rustled a bit? I think this is the part where I throw my head back and laugh.

Also, I wish Ryuu'd stop trying to fucking type like Doc Blank or She-Elf. He fails abysmally at it. And I still have NO idea what the fuck that first sentence means.

A guy who didn't even bother to re-name him,
Because Spike is such an original fucking name.

Wait, no, sorry.

No it's not.

(This is just from DeviantArt, by the way. There's fuckloads more results if you check Google.)

uses Spike's image for his own Sonic OC, "Spike"
You literally just SAID the kid named his character Spike. Good shit.
and is also taking credit for my drawings of him - despite my signature still being on said pictures and claiming he drew them when he was nine years old. This is despite two of those pictures being two years apart, 2008 and 2010. Also used Lady-Zelda's coloring of him in a contest that he won which is another year behind the aforementioned two pictures, at 2007.
... 'Kay, so that last sentence is such a clusterfuck I can't even tell when this was. Was it recent? Because that last sentence made it sound like the kid won a fucking contest in 2007, so that was originally how I fucking addressed this comment before I realized that no, no, that was not what the jackass wrote.

And wept tears of blood, because this seriously looks like the start of word salad in the clinical sense.

Okay, look, if his signature was on it, I presume it was dealt with appropriately. I'd say 'let it the fuck go' but clearly he won't. Why pass up an opportunity for him to humblebrag about how his characters are actually so great people steal them all the time?

So Zelly and I figured it was time to put Spike back where he belongs.
In the garbage can?

No, seriously. Fucking get rid of him. You can't fix this much art theft.

I understand that sometimes OCs need a base to start from and build off of as they get more developed as characters.
No! No they fucking don't, you smarmy fuckbox! I have easily a hundred plus characters and none of them were swiped from an existing character.

You are lazy, Ryuu. You steal because you've had the creativity bludgeoned out of you with Jeebus.  I'd feel bad for you but instead of asking for help, you continue to steal and put more effort into justifying your thievery than you ever have into creating a character.

And then when you don't steal you buy adoptables from people with actual talent and creativity and never use them, apparently. Great job taking all those from people who want them and would actually use them.

It's his money and his choice, sure. And yes, I understand capitalism. But that doesn't change the fact that it seems awfully unfair when there's people who've probably saved up for ages for some of these outfit/character designs and they lose out in auctions to a guy who just hoards the fucking things.

ll because Ryuu
can splash out on all these autobuys (and I'm not kidding, hoarding is the best descriptor I have. I've been given screencaps indicating that he's got HUNDREDS of the damn things, and none of the ones he buys for himself see any use publicly), and then he doesn't even fucking use them on anything

At least the artist is getting paid for them, I suppose, but it makes me a bit sad.
If it were me I'd rather make less money and see them go to someone who'd actually let them see the light of day, you know?
Reduxes and redesigns are a welcome thing for OCs who choose this as a starting point (Which is one reason my OCs change so often).
I... You...

Wow, where the hell do I even start.

Your characters didn't choose this as the starting point. You did. Because you're fucking lazy, and have actually done nothing but pick new and more obscure sources to steal from (but don't you worry, Ryuu, someone will find them someday). Stop giving people bad advice.

It's good for your characters to evolve over time but god, he sounds so fucking smug about HIS characters aren't patent ripoffs anymore. Let's not pretend Spike is anything but a fucking recolor of a fucking terrible character from one of the worst games of all time with shit ripped off from Twilight Princess all over his spikes and a fucking bizarre nose added (no, seriously, the fuck is up with that thing? did he lie like Ryuu does so it grew freakishly large?). Not even a ripoff. A fucking recolor.

This shit is honestly on par with Sonichu, incidentally. You could even argue that while Chris Chan can't draw for shit and Sonichu is also an oozing pile of recolored fail, Chris Chan has actually put more thought into worldbuilding and backstory than Ryuu. Shit, Chris has at least put out a comic that's actually entertaining (admittedly not in the way he meant it to be, but still) versus drier than Death Valley in a mid-July heat wave.

All I'm saying is that I had to hit the bottle a bit to get through one of these two peoples' stories, and it wasn't Chris's.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, I've changed my business email because Yahoo's become a steaming pile of feces that refuses to run properly with adblock. I'm not giving those fuckers money so if you've sent me anything in the past couple of years and I never responded, that would be why. Feel free to get in touch at if you need anything.

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