And if you've forgotten, that means I hate you a little. I only wish I could forget.
Anyway, we were in the middle of Fleshlightarschgeige's pop quiz interrogation.
Arschgeige, by the way, literally means ass violin. Having friends who know a bit of German is fun!
As per last time, Moonlightarse's answers are in orange, Hoodcom's are in green.
Moonlightelf: How does he define what is good or morally desirable?... Really? That was absolutely unnecessary. I am legitimately impressed Hoodcom has been able to stay calm talking to her up till this point, because I'm not sure I'd be able to.
Reese: I guess if I am understanding the question right...he likes and desires friends, and desires to play sports and games.
Moonlightelf: *plays horn as wrong sign*
I'm sure this is a huge shock, but I have an astonishingly low tolerance level for this sort of thing.
Moonlightelf: This isn't from likes and desires... it's about defining what is good or morally desirable. How he defines what is good? How he defines what is morally desirable.Then why don't you fucking give some context instead of being an intolerable pompous shit? This is a serious fucking question about what makes people who they are, not the sort of thing you'll be able to pull out of your ass at the drop of a hat.
This is also not the kind of thing THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS usually reflect on. If you're thirteen you usually have more immediate concerns.
Like homework and middle school classes and friends and sports. You're technically a teenager but in reality you're still a kid at that point.
Moonlightelf: In short... lets have the mentioned friend as example for now... how he would define that the friend is "good"?At this stage in their life I'm pretty sure most 13 year olds would say their friends are good because they make them laugh and hang out with them. You don't automagically gain a fully developed sense of morality just because you have a birthday and are now officially a teenager.
Reese: Well, because someone actually becomes his friend, I suppose. Good friends go a long way.WHAT THE FUCK THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS DO YOU KNOW WHO WOULD BE REGULARLY PUT IN THIS SITUATION. STILL CONVINCED SHE'S FROM SPACE.
Moonlightelf: Would he sacrifice someone he loved, for a good enough cause?
Reese: What, you mean kill someone he loved? I highly doubt that.If the only kind of sacrifice you can think of involves taking someone else's life, your mindset concerns the shit out of me.
Moonlightelf: Well how do you define sacrifice then?
Giving shit you love up for something like Lent is a sacrifice. Donating money to charity instead of buying something you really wanted is a sacrifice.
There's sacrifices that don't involve killing other people.
Moonlightelf: Also, don't worry... I have 11 pages of different kinds of questions I can ask on a whim.D... does she just fucking go around asking people 11 pages of random out of context questions? Who does this? Why would you do this?!
Reese: Well... typically when I hear sacrifice, it's when it involves... sacrificing animals for example.... So why did you jump immediately to killing his friends? That's not letting go of things, that's killing people.
Moonlightelf: Aka letting go of things at times.
Moonlightelf: Who was his first kiss?And by the way, that isn't what she initially asked. Stop moving the goalposts when you don't like answer, MLE.
Reese: Ah, well if letting go material possession for someone's sake that he cares for, probably would be something then.
Reese: First kiss at his age? lol seriously?Holy shit, she's getting genuinely butthurt because she doesn't like the answers she's getting. Maybe you should try not springing interrogations on people unannounced if you don't think you'll like how their characters answer?
Moonlightelf: Just answer the question.
Moonlightelf: Heck... some get their so called first kisses really young nowadays for goddesses sake.Most of the thirteen year olds in my life were far less concerned with kissing and dating than they were about SCHOOL and SPORTS and GAMES and ENJOYING LIFE.
Reese: Well at his current age no one. Later in life, out of my characters, Maybe it'd be Kat.
Sure, you had the odd one out with a significant other for a week or two but they were drastically in the minority. Also, just because people SAY there's a problem with kids hooking up super young doesn't mean that's actually the case. I'm pretty sure there's far fewer kids doing that than we're told there are.
Anyway, if Hoodcom's character is not into girls/boys/whatever yet, that's normal. And he's got years and years of life left so why would Hoodcom have planned this rightfuckingnow?
Also, I just realized how much of a pompous asswipe you sound like when you say 'for goddess's sake'. If I got nothing else out of this, at least I learned I never want to ever say that.
Moonlightelf: He's leaving and can only say goodbye to one person. Who would he choose to see?HE COULD BE SAYING GOODBYE BECAUSE HE'S MOVING FOREVER.
Reese: Define time frame of leaving, or even if it's his family moving away. Because there's too many variables to this one.
Moonlightelf: I think "to one person" says it all.
Reese: Not really.That's kind of not fucking possible, because you didn't give him enough information.
Moonlightelf: How about not thinking about it too much with all the variables?
I feel like I know what's being implied here (some sort of permanent goodbye) but this could be any number of things from going to take the dog for a walk to moving away to being terminally ill and going off into the woods to die. I'm sure MLE knows what she means, but people can't read her mind.
Reese: Fine, we'll just assume under a situation where his family is moving away.This is a thing adults far, far older than Hoodcom's character struggle with in crisis situations. Contrary to MLE's beliefs, you can't just boil some things down to a pithy soundbite. This one and the one about morality in particular have no place on a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am character quiz like this.
Probably his best buddy, who is Ryo's character Marvin.
Moonlightelf: Why does he bother? What makes whatever he does better than giving up, or even just laying down and dying?
Reese: He doesn't want to die.
I'm still not seeing how this is supposed to help with plot formation. And in that vein I'm going to be skipping a load of these dumbass fucking questions because almost all of them are irrelevant.
I've left a few of the incredibly dumb ones in here for kicks, but there's also this one:
Moonlightelf: Where does he hide the bodies?Valid answer, because, again, he's like fucking thirteen.
Reese: He had none to hide. Nor will I need to think of an answer for that kind of question. Sorry.
Moonlightelf: *rolls eyes* How about dose of hypothesis on that case?Why do you want a kid to be a fucking murderer so badly? That's not normal.
Or are you saying that you don't know your character that well after all in that aspect?
Someone please explain to me why somebody would find it so hard to believe that there's people who are repulsed by the thought of violence.
Reese: There's nothing to know or need to know for that question because it's something that's never ever going to happen.What the fuck video game does this? I'm asking for real here. In my experience if you have to hide bodies (or anything else) in games there's USUALLY a small set of places you can put them, if you actually get multiple choices.
Moonlightelf: Not even in video game?
Reese: Him being a video game character? Doubt it. Him playing a video game involving that? I doubt that too.
Moonlightelf: Tch, Nii-sama[...]She calls Ryuu a Japanese term for honored big brother and thinks he's an exemplary character creator. That tells you all you need to know.
It also tells you that she really is a twelve year old weeaboo. 'Nii-sama' indeed. Jesus christ.
Moonlightelf: [..] would have given at least hypothesis if such were case with Ryo...Ryo is a fucking murderous asshole who torched a den of sleeping infant wildlife for shits and giggles and laughed about severely burning a completely sentient being for spitting a nut at him.
That's pretty much par for the course in Ryuu's Zelda fanon, and I doubt that's any different even though he's switched the setting to what I would bet is going to be some kind of Elder Scrolls ripoff.
The point is, Ryo is not exactly a paragon of gentility and kindness. He is, however, a stellar example of a sadistic asshole who should never have been entrusted with ruling anything.
Moonlightelf: be narrow-minded then and moving on.Oh my god, she's so incredibly butthurt over someone not wanting to be a homicidal lunatic all I can do is laugh.
God, I love people like this when they're too chicken to actually be a threat.
[random shit questions of increasing irrelevance deleted]Okay, you have to be fucking making fun of the guy now. If you aren't, PRACTICALLY NO ONE KNOWS THEIR THIRD COUSINS
Moonlightelf: What is the color of his third cousin's aunt's brother's niece's husband's hair?
Also, if you've planned your character's entire family out to that degree (without leaving several generations untouched), FUCKING STOP AND FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ELSEWHERE.
[more irrelevant questions deleted]This is totally relevant to plotting initial posts in RPs.
Moonlightelf: If he were a tree, what kind of tree he would be?
... Wait, no. Gimme a sec. I think it's that other thing.
You know, what's it called.
Oh yeah!
Completely fucking pointless!
Reese: The heck do you come up with these things from? (Or why for that matter?)Both of these are very good questions. The same cannot be said for the questions Hoodcom is being asked.
Reese: But if I must pick a tree, maybe spruce.She's trying to test you. If she says otherwise, she's fucking lying. There's literally no other reason to do something like this with no notice.
Moonlightelf: I told you that I have 11 pages of questions that I can ask on a whim?
Reese: Yeah but that still doesn't explain why, are you just trying to test me or are you just having fun asking me questions?
Moonlightelf: *leans a little closer* ....does it matter when it's your character that possibly gets new possibilities opened by the questions? A little wider perspective? Something to think?So, would somebody like to explain to me WHAT THE EARTH-SHUDDERING FUCK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GET A WIDER PERSPECTIVE OF WHEN SOMEONE'S ASKING YOU QUESTIONS LIKE WHAT FUCKING TREE WOULD THEY BE?
Reese: I'm just curious at your reasoning on it is all. Though I hope you don't plan to ask all 11 pages worth in one day. ^^;You brought this up out of left field, how the fuck is he supposed to know you weren't going to go down the entire list?
Moonlightelf: Pft, as if I would. I've gone through one page with Nii-sama.
[still more bullshit questions god damn]Too old for WHAT? Too old for the character to date, too old to be allowed to drive, too old to be allowed to keep living?
Moonlightelf: How old is "too old"? (to him)
Reese: Not sure
... Okay, yes, I do know this probably means their upper age limit for dating but god, as vague as it is there's going to be interpretation issues.
[more dumb fucking questions I had to delete. jesus fucking christ why are there so many god damn stupid questions]There's a world of difference between 'I don't want to kill people' and 'I have to defend myself or I will die, and I do not want to die. I will live and deal with the psychological complications when I can.'
Reese: Now, as for this...
"Moonlightelf: Tch, Nii-sama would have given at least hypothesis if such were case with Ryo... be narrow-minded then and moving on."
I'm far from being narrow-minded here.
Some people can't deal with even one thought of violence, let alone murder. And if something doesn't apply to a charadcter, it doesn't apply period. Such as this case.
Moonlightelf: So he wouldn't even go and defend himself?
More goalpost-moving. Cut it the fuck out.
By the way, no one hides the bodies if they've killed in self defense because that is a crime in and of itself and makes you look guilty as fuck. No murder, no voluntary or involuntary homicide, no manslaughter, no reason to hide the body.
That's... pretty obvious, right? I hope?
Reese: With out killing someone probably.Get told you're wrong, act like a petulant teenager about it. Very, very mature.
Question like that one, you almost may as well ask who he would sexually assault... that's as bad as murder is for crying out loud. Thus why I refuse to answer.
Moonlightelf: *shrugs* Whatever.
If you're oblivious, that was nothing but sarcasm. Grow up, MLE.
Reese: Besides, killing in self defense isn't murder nor does it require hiding any bodies. So that question was completely irrelevant to begin with.Err, no? We were talking self-defense.
Moonlightelf: it's still justifiable homicide.
Self-defense does not necessarily equate to justifiable homicide.
Reese: How's that possible? Murder's defined as unjustifiable.Oh man, have you missed all the bullshit with people killing black kids in the States over shit that is absolutely not self defense, then getting off practically scot-free because they pleaded self-defense?
Moonlightelf: it stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation in criminal law. Homicide is justified when it prevents greater harm to innocents... and can only be justified if there is sufficient evidence to prove that it was reaonable to believe that offending party posed and imminent threat to the life or well-being of another.
One must, however, objectively prove toa trier of fact, beyond all reasonable doubt, that the suspect intended to commit violence.
I know MLE isn't American but I also know for a fucking fact news of those shootings has spread across the pond. At least in this regard, Moonlightelf has a laughably poor grasp of reality.
Reese: Still, we've drifted from the prime definition of murder compared to self-defense. Which are different.MLE, just accept that this isn't the answer you want and get over it. This is shit people learn when they're toddlers and first find out they don't get every toy they fucking ask for.
Justifiable homocide is like shooting someone because they are raping your spouce.
Moonlightelf: Though it can be flipped as murder if there isn't enough evidence to point it out.
'This is not applicable' is an answer.
Reese: But the original point is, and still stands, is Reese doesn't murder. Period.That's a stupid argument and it's based entirely in semantics. You're still insulting him and laughing at him for being naive either way.
Moonlightelf: Well... it's good to see that your mind doesn't allow such hypothesis to even exist. *chuckles* Then... if not narrow-minded... let me correct it then. Close-minded.
No wonder your help is unwelcome.
Moonlightelf: Though sad to know that your character is unprepared.Where the fuck does she live if every single person causes a fatal accident at least once in their life? I want to know so I can make a note to never vacation there. Believe it or not, accidental deaths really aren't all that common in the grand scheme of things.
Reese : Well, you're free to think so, anyway.
Moonlightelf: Poor day when he accidentally kills someone due to some degree of carelessness though... mental health and all, you know?
Moonlightelf: And having mind that refuses to even think such possibility or scenario... it's truly sad, you know?Not as sad as the person who was so poorly socialized she thinks this sort of treatment is okay. Seriously, was MLE born in a fucking barn or something?
I'd rather be friends with the person whose character refuses to entertain any possibility of violence than be friends with the person who tries to manipulate someone for paragraphs and paragraphs to get her way like a spoiled child.
Moonlightelf: I do ponder how he'll be able to even live with it or even process the entire thing. Because the Kübler-Ros model is somewhat fashinating at times to think through for characters.If you were half as smart as you think you are you'd know the Kubler-Ros model (that's the stages of grief thing, if you were curious) has had significant criticism directed at it and more and more studies are indicating it's full of shit. There's at least one person who's done a fair amount of peer reviewed research indicating that the absence of grief = recovery from grief and that there are no 'stages'.
I know she wasn't expecting this to come under the scrutiny of someone with a strong interest in psychology but too bad.
Moonlightelf: But yeah, I'm free to think. And wonder... and be left open with the questions that you refuse to think answer to. *smiles*'Ohohohoho, I'm going to imagine your character killing people on accident and laugh at how devastated he'd be because I'm a fucking awful human being!*smiles*'
Reese: Well gee, I could have aliens abduct him and make him into some monster or make him pregnant and he might not know how to live with it... or he could live with it.Okay one, unless the parents fucking did something to start the fire, then they weren't responsible for the fire. They witnessed a horrible horrible freak accident. It's still devastating but unless they left a lit cigarette on a chair arm or something that was in no way their fault.
Or how about the loss of both his parents? How would anyone be able to live with that and process it?
And what are the chances of him accidentally killing anyone? Slim to none. And that's still not closed minded.
Moonlightelf: Then start thinking. *smiles* Besides... even if it is slim chance... accidents happen. Like last year in here, it needed only one shopping trip and the parents vitnessed their own house burning... with daughter in wheelchair upstairs inside the house.
And one summer... at one concert event, a girl who had just turned 18 got run over by firetruck that was moving slowly through crowd... really slowly.
Slim to none, indeed.
Two, note that she didn't say when 'one summer' was. I'd like to know what the time frame here is. Did it all happen in one year, or was it (like I suspect) several-plus years apart?
Somebody really likes giving incomplete information.
Reese:Well, then I guess he could accidentally get abducted by a kidnapper, aliens, pack of underground moll men too, couldn't he?You know what? I don't have words. This sums up my reaction nicely, however:
If I'm close minded, I suppose you are too? Because I recall a few things you mentioned you claim are impossible. If I need to be so open minded, then why not let him hit it off with Kat accidentally and get stuck with a kid, or him get abducted and get stuck with a kid, or call his mom a whale accidentally and get kicked out of the house, or him piss off a villain accidentally and get 3rd degree burns instead of him accidentally murdering someone.
You know, he's just a teenager, he doesn't have to be prepared for anything. If something happens, it happens like in realife. Ain't no damn-body is prepared for what can happen all of a sudden. You don't plan this crap out.
Only true murderers plan crap out.
I may have said 'Yes!' out loud when I finished reading that. |
Ryuu and a lot of his cronies don't seem to be able to realize that for these characters, the shit they're doing is real life. And in real life, shit happens nobody plans for.
The car's suspension goes fucking crazy and you have to take it in unexpectedly, the furnace decides to stop working in the middle of winter, a pet gets sick all over the floor, the TV starts sparking when you went out for an hour or two, a loved one dies...
These are all things that've happened to my family in the past few years. None of us saw them coming, and none of us threw a tantrum because 'THIS WASN'T WHAT WE PLANNED.'
(I came close to crying with the furnace thing though, not gonna lie. nothing says 'fun' quite like your heat crapping out during the middle of a winter storm. On the other hand I got to hide under all my blankets with a flashlight and read like I did when I was a kid staying up too late, so even that wasn't all terrible.)
My point is, shit happens, and as a person your choices generally boil down to roll with the punches through whatever means necessary or break.
The same goes for your characters. Your characters, in their universes, are people. Not fucking paper dolls who react perfectly to every situation ever.
Moonlightelf: Hmm... you have ADHD, don't you?WHAAAAAT.
THIS IS NOT COOL. ADHD is completely irrelevant to this conversation, and the only possible reason she could bring it up is to try and drag Hoodcom down.
She couldn't handle being told she's wrong, so she started taking personal shots.
Reese: Alright, that's just completely irrelevant to anything. We are done here for the night.Good. No one needs people like this in their lives.
Moonlightelf: Just asking since you went pretty snappy, really defensive and write a ton of text while exagrating things to irrelevant things yourself.If we're gonna talk about being defensive and short with other people, why don't we talk about how MLE was pretty blatantly sniping at him this entire conversation before he shut her down?
Why don't we talk about how she explicitly told him he could never get anything done just because he isn't working at her pace?
If you want to talk about spending ages writing things that aren't directly related to the subject at hand, what about her tangent? You know, where it went from murder to self defense to justifiable homicide to accidental death because she wanted to know so very badly how an average modern-earth-AU teenager would break down if he killed a person?
And she spent this entire conversation taking shots, being incredibly condescending, and constantly shifting shit around. Now she's being a disgusting discriminatory fuck and saying it's not her fault, it's because of ADHD.
This is a mild fucking form of gaslighting. If you're not a hopeless dork like me who reads everything that floats in front of their face, gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse in which the abuser attempts to convince you that your version of reality is wrong and their version is correct.
In this case, MLE conveniently forgets how haughty, holier-than-thou, manipulative, condescending, and outright insulting she's been for the entire previous conversation and tries to make it seem like the entire issue is because Hoodcom has been short with her when he stood up for himself.
Which is pretty textbook abusive behavior.
Moonlightelf: Besides... true character owners have their OC's reactions ready to be slapped on table anytime when appropriate situation rises... even death. *lifts hat* Have a good evening with some food of thoughtFucking christ, you condescending anal sphincter, none of this was food for thought. It was, however, a resounding display of elitism and discrimination against people with mental health issues.
And that's why this has been posted here.
Well, congrats, Ryuu. I hope you know this is all reflecting back on you! Just like with Stormsworder. Your friends do a great job of making you look significantly worse than you are.
(Edit May 2015: edited some formatting/phrasing.)
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