HI EVERYONE. Ebony Dark’ness Awww fuck it here giving you yet
another article that’s not part of the “Ryuu in Denial” series because fuck
continuity. I’m sorry but recent events have stepped on a raw fuckin’ nerve and
I’m about to splatter the brains of the online reputation of one of Ryuu’s
fangirls all over the fuckin’ wall. No, there won’t be pictures like all my
other articles because I’m not fuckin’ around this time.
I’m pissed,
ladies and gentlemen. That’s all there is to it.
This is not
meant to be a funny article (though some of you will no doubt piss your pants
laughing at how bad I rip this fuckin’ bitch a new one) and it’s calling a
stupid, bigoted lady-pig out on her stupid, bigoted lady-pig bullshit.
The lady-pig in question is none other than a prep (as us goths like to call them) by the
name of “Stormsworder.” No, I’m not giving you the link to her DA because you
can find it your damn self. Just type her stupid name before “Deviantart.com”
and hit enter. It’s not hard, figure it out Copernicus. All I know about this
girl is that she has the same bigoted views as Ryuu’s (hence all her
white-knighting and ass-kissing) and that she’s apparently suffering from
writers-block which I HOPE never goes away because her writing SUCKS DONKEY
But I’m not here to just spout random
insults for no reason. That’s not my style. My point here is to rant about one
thing this person is doing that is REALLY upsetting to me: She’s making
Christians look bad. Very bad. She’s reinforcing the stereotype along with
Ryuu. Oh, and she’s also being a fucking hypocrite. Allow me a few paragraphs
to explain.
First of
all, I’m sure it’s not (or at least shouldn’t be) a secret that I’m the token
Christian on the blog. No, I don’t go to church to eat crackers or drink wine
every single Sunday. No I don’t say a “hail mary” everytime I say a bad word.
No I don’t even say grace before every meal. But that does not a good Christian
make. Ryuu and Stormsworder prove that. They are bigoted, hateful,
disrespecting and love to judge people. Yes they may go to church every weekend
and thank god for whatever they put in (or whatever comes out of) their mouth.
But ladies
and gentlemen lemme tell you something. You may say that whatever you say is in
the name of god. Or in the name of Buddha. Or in the name of Yoda or Barney the
Dinosaur or I don’t give a fuckiuss from the desert of tittyfucks. But the fact
is, if what you’re saying is shit, whoever you claim it to be from doesn’t
change it from that. Shit is shit. And it’s your shit, folks. Not gods, not
fuckiuss’, not the potted plant on the other side of the rooms. Yours. Your
mouth, your shit.
... only one, I swear. |
Saying the
shit coming out of your mouth is from god is no more valid than saying “I have
a dream” was said by Abraham Lincoln in Star Wars: Revenge of the Crab People
during his epic Katana battle with Lex Luthor. It just. Doesn’t. Mean.
Anything. Especially when what you’re saying goes against the bottom line of
the teachings the person you’re supposedly quoting tried to hammer in. Saying
Jesus said “Gay people are disgusting, icky and just plain wrong” is just as
believable and likely as saying Rosa Parks got kicked off the bus for screaming
“White Power” at the top of her lungs.
It just
didn’t happen. Sorry, guys.
But what DID
Jesus say? Well, here’s just a few examples.
“Love your
neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."
“He that is among you without sin, let
him cast the first stone.”
So, in layman’s terms, A.) God is far
more concerned that you treat everyone with the respect you’d want for yourself
than he is about John fucking Harold and B.) Unless you are perfect, keep your
fuckin’ mouth shut. And Ryuu admits he’s not perfect. Well, if you call saying
what people want to hear so they’ll take pity on your pathetic whining “Admitting.”
But close e-fuckin’-nough.
So why is it that Bitchface one and
Bitchface two feel they have the right to hate on gays? And other races? And
anyone who is not white, straight, cisgendered men? Because they think they’re
gods perfect fucking children and they can say whatever they want in his name.
Yes, you are children of god. But so
is the gay guy down the street. And the “rude” Indian guy in Britain you
disliked so much. And every black guy you called a “negro.” And the women you
order into your kitchens to make you pie and send to walmart to buy your lined paper
for your “professional” art. And the people of other religions, who aren’t
necessarily wrong just because they don’t share our faith. And yes, even the
foul-mouthed Goth chick writing this. We’re all children of God. And you have
NO RIGHT to differentiate between us. God loves all his children, even if you
don’t. And nothing makes him more upset than when a group of his children
decide they’re his favorites and spit on the rest of his children.
And before you pull the “well yeah he
agrees with us because you’re hating on us” card, no. I’m not “hating” on you.
I’m calling you out on your egotistical bullshit and trying to show you that
how you treat others is WRONG. And just because there are a few of us who are
brave enough to defend the people who need defending doesn’t make us the “bad
guys”, “trolls” or whatever else you guys want to call us.
I’m not here because I hate you. I’m
here because I love all my friends. Be them Gay, Straight, atheist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim or whatever else. Regardless of Gender or Ethnicity. I love
my friends. And what you’re doing to them, SAYING about them, makes me angry.
And what makes me ANGRIER is that you’re slapping Gods name on your insults.
When you hurt my friends, you’re
hurting me. And I’m here to try and make you stop. And if I have to drag your
egos through a minefield and toss them into an organ grinder, I will. If I have
to bring your bigotry to light and show everyone the pigs you’re being, I will.
If I have to start a fucking Encyclopedia Dramatica article about you, I will.
I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll destroy your reputations if it means my gay,
lesbian, trans and bi friends get a break from your shit.
Don’t believe me? Just try me.
No, I won’t make shit up about you. I
haven’t been. NONE OF US have been. We’re taking shit YOU GUYS SAID and
bringing it to the attention of others. That’s all there is to it. Didn’t want
people knowing you said gays were “icky and just plain wrong”? You shouldn’t
have fuckin’ said it. And you shouldn’t keep defending it if it’s such an
embarrassment to you guys.
And for fuck sakes you shouldn’t have started the
whole “Straight Pride” movement. You know who tried something like that? The
White Supremacists and their “White Power” stance against African Americans who
just wanted to be free from slavery. And don’t say “you can’t compare
those two.” What you’re doing to Gays is what the KKK do to African Americans,
the Jewish, Women, ect ect. Straight Pride" for protecting the right to stand against gay rights is no different than "White Pride" for protecting the right to stand against African-American rights.
You’re in the same league as these
people. Don’t you dare think anything otherwise. And if you don’t want to be
called a bigot you shouldn’t act like a bigot.
Your hypocrisy. It’s absolutely
Stormsworder recently contacted our
friend’s tumblr Stupid Shit Ryuu Says. And yes dear, we know it was you. If
you’re going to call us out on shit stop being a pussy about it and confront us
as yourself because we’re going to figure out who you are eventually. But this
is what the arrogant bitch had to say:
“So... are you guys ever going to stop
trolling this guy and just leave him alone? Since I think it's pretty atrocious
as human beings to mercilessly target someone.”
Okay, so… It’s not atrocious as
“humans” that you guys mercilessly targeted gay people (some of who were your
FRIENDS) and called them “Icky” and “wrong” and constantly citing your distaste
for who they were, hiding behind your religion and slapping god’s name on your
every word because you guys are such fucking PUSSIES that you can’t own up to
them and call them your own.
… But it’s atrocious for us to
directly quote you and say what you’re doing is wrong.
Uh huh.
Also, just because you say we’re
“trolling” doesn’t make us trolls. And I’m fessing up to being a SUPER MEGA
TROLL from time to time. I take a lot of pleasure in the art of trolling. And I
would NEVER group what we’re doing here in that category.
There’s a large, mega, super king Kamehameha difference between
trolling and directly quoting someone and calling them out on their bullshit.
What the
Pirate Community (which you incorrectly affiliated with us) did was trolling.
Posting pictures of a pregnant lady and saying that’s what you did to Zelda
just to piss you off was trolling. Hacking your account and posting gay porn
and swearwords is
fucking hilarious Trolling. What we are doing is, in
no way, trolling. It’s showing everyone what you really are, using things YOU
Just FYI? Jesus also said "Judge not lest you be judged. If you judge, so will you be judged." Ryuu is the most judgemental person I've ever know. He judges gays, trans, lesbians, bisexuals, ethnic minorities in and outside of the US, women and even fat people. The only people he hasn't judged in some negative way are himself and his daddy. Guess what? He's getting judged right the fuck back. And so are you.
You claim you want this all to end. You claim that we're immature trolls with no lives. You claim that you and fuckface just want peace from us. You also claim that we're cowards for not only keeping the blog going but for not confronting Ryuu one on one in private (which we've done with no success.) And yet here
you are, publicly attacking us while hiding your face with the fan of anonymity. (which
is disturbingly thin, we can still see you.) You wanted to have a presence with
us so bad? Well good fuckin’ news: here’s your debut article.
Just so that
I make my position clear? Here’s me ripping apart a post you made back in 2010
where you ran at us half-cocked thinking you’d make us feel bad. FYI I did feel
bad. For you. For making such an idiot out of yourself. But then I remembered
that doing just that is something Ryuu’s proud of, so you must take pride in
being stupid too. Here, just to soothe your ego, I’ll tear your arguments apart
and by the time I’m done your picture is gonna be right next to the “idiot”
definition in the dictionary.
“Alright, this is getting to a point
where you guys just need to stop.”
“There's a difference between constructive
criticism and just plain out trolling.”
We’re not trolling. And Ryuu’s far
past “constructive criticism.” If that was all it took to fix him we wouldn’t
fuckin’ be here.
“And just because he didn't come up
with a method of creating characters like you did makes him a bad
He IS a bad writer/creator. All of his
characters are either rip-offs of actual, licensed characters that people took
effort to come up with or two characters smooshed together. And then he makes
them perfect. That’s not talent. At all. That’s Anti-talent.
“Everyone starts off somewhere, but in
time they work on creating what they desire.”
First of all, Ryuu hasn’t moved
ANYWHERE since he started. He’s still pumping out the same half-assed garbage
drawings he’s been doing since he was 14. And “what they desire” isn’t always
good. In fact, what Ryuu desires is a god-like self-insert. That’s the epitome
of bad writing.
“Now, his characters aren't some Sonic
recolors like you tend to find all over the web (and even have funny YouTube
rant videos about).”
He took shadow the hedgehog, gave him a few more spikes, made him a different
color and called him “Spike.” (Because he’s just as able to come up with decent
names as he is at getting pregnant without a uterus.) That, my friend, is a
recolor. And I’m VERY surprised there
are no videos mocking his shit, it’s terrible!!!
“Insult Christianity as a whole?
Listen, it's his own convictions (and my own as well) that we aren't fond of
certain things such as homosexuality because of our beliefs.”
Fuck your beliefs. Seriously. They
have nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity preaches love and
acceptance, not “WTF is this, Sodom and Gomorra? GAYS ARE ICKY WICKY
“When you point out how he didn't
accept a gay character, it's because of our belief system.”
Which is horrifically flawed. And
again, has nothing to do with Christianity. At all.
“We have a right to do it, just as I
would have a right to deny a person to play on our clan gaming server because
they're using an improper name.”
You could argue the same for banning
African Americans. Seriously, take your rants about gays and change the words
“Homosexual” to “Black.” Just see how lovely you sound saying “Black people are
icky and just plain wrong!” and yes, the two sentiments ARE COMPARABLE. There’s
no difference.
“When you own the site, you can do
what you wish. Don't like it? Bring it up in a proper complaint to the person
and work something out.”
GROSS AND WE DON’T WANT THEIR COOTIES!!!” Yeah, real fucking mature.
“Not closed to diplomacy? Look at this
entire website. Why would someone honestly want to talk to you when you have a
blog about how much they fail at stuff?”
Ryuu does fail at stuff. But that’s a
moot point. We’d feel bad if what we were saying about him (and you) was
unreasonable, but it’s not. And maybe Ryuu doesn’t wanna talk to us because
he’s scared we’re going to call him out on his bullshit face to face rather
than behind his back? (and possibly turn him gay while we’re at it? Because you
know, that’s a rational argument too.)
“That's far from being civilized and
proper, seriously. Think about it.”
Like you know what being Proper is
like. Here’s a hint: Calling gay people “icky” isn’t proper. Acting like a
pouty two year old when a gay person comes along isn’t Proper. Drinking your
tea with your pinkie-finger sticking out doesn’t cover up your ugly inner
homophobe. And neither does your lack of swearing. I’m more proper than you at
this point because I treat people like they’re fucking PEOPLE.
“Not everyone is like how you act. You
can't know how a person will react.“
We do know how Ryuu will act: like a
baby who didn’t want to be called out on his crap. Like you. And no, everyone’s
not the same. Some people accept people for who they are, and some people are
“You call him a bigot, which would
mean he's intolerant of others.”
“He's actually a pretty tolerant guy,
and he doesn't go around making whole things to bash others.”
BULLSHIT. He made an entire TOPIC
Calling gay people “icky and just plain wrong” than had a full temper tantrum
when someone made a gay character. You’re a terrible liar.
“THIS is a prime example of
Damn right we’re intolerant. We’re
intolerant of him being an intolerant asshole. That’s not exactly an irrational
“Just because he started out with his
characters one way doesn't mean he's a copy-cat.”
So just because his character started
out as dark-link doesn’t make him a copy-cat? No it doesn’t, actually.
CALLING IT THEIR OWN. That is faaaaar beyond the pale of “copy-cat.”
“If that WAS the case, it would be
like one of those horrible "self-insert" Zelda fanfics that plague
fanfiction.net with horrible writing and pathetic plot.”
…… It’s not like one of those horrible
“self-insert” Zelda fanfics that plague fanfiction.net with horrible writing
and pathetic plot. It IS one of those horrible “self-insert” Zelda fanfics that
plague fanfiction.net with horrible writing and pathetic plot.
You’re so good at pointing out
bullshit I almost don’t have to do it for you.
“Now, why do you expect him to find
this? What was your whole true goal in making this?”
We are HOPING that you two will haul
your heads out of your asses and realize what dicks you’ve been all this time.
Until that happens, we’ll keep going, too.
“Because first sight at seeing this,
the only thing you really come across is a little gang of immature trolls.”
…. You seriously called us “immature”
even after Ryuu’s little “Gays are icky!!” tantrum? Seriously? Not to mention
that you approached us a while ago for a chat, yet when Cala took you up on
your offer you ran away with your tail between your legs. That’s pretty fucking
immature too, isn’t it? Little miss Nicky Nicky Nine Doors? And the time you
bitched out someone who had nothing to do with our blog?
“yes, there is some critique, but this
isn't purely critique. If you wanted to do actual helpful critique, you
wouldn't have used language that seems more of bashing.”
We know how far “Asking Nicely” gets
us with Ryuu. NOWHERE. And quite frankly, I don’t see kissing Ryuu’s ass and
pussy footing around his serious issues like he’s said people should doing it
either. He deserves a good punch in the ego.
“He shouldn't have to come to your
territory after the actions you've taken. Honestly, I say he shouldn't. Talk to
him one on one or something, not on the internet for all to see where this can
be some big side war. Those never end well.”
Really? We should have to chase him
around for an apology? And we shouldn’t let everyone know what a disgusting pig
he is being and just let him attack people behind the scenes and make it feel
like it’s their fault? Really? No. He wants us to stop, he fuckin’ comes to us
and gives us a reason to. Fuck you and your “OMG I DUN WANNA WAAAAAAR”
bullshit. If you didn’t want a “war” you shouldn’t have started one by
attacking your friends and other people for their sexual orientation. (I assure
you we are not at war with you. You’re picking fights with us and we’re just
sitting back here shaking our heads at you. And we’re good to go at this for a
looooooooong time so get comfortable.)
“Just my two cents on this matter.”
Your two cents made no sense. You
shoulda just kept your fuckin’ mouth shut, sweetheart.
Reading further, you say your own
brother is gay. I think it’s pretty disgusting that you’d come onto OUR page,
put your own brother on the line saying “WE DON’T HATE HIM WE HATE WHAT HE’S
DOING.” Lemme give you something sincere from the bottom of my heart.
understand what you said if it was about your brother, I dunno… Robbing people
and getting into trouble with the law. But he just happens to love other men.
WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT? And I bet your family shames him to no end. I bet if he
were to get married, none of you would show up because you can’t handle two men
on top of the wedding cake.
You, of ALL
people, having a family member who is gay, should understand that what you’re
saying about gay people is WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! And don’t pin it on
your fuckin’ faith. You, Ryuu and everyone else with your ideas are just
fucking intolerant pigs who, to keep up appearances, claim that intolerance to
come from God.
Maybe God
wanted you to experience the hurt and pain of being singled out for something
you CANNOT CONTROL and being called “Gross” and “Icky” and “Just plain wrong”
when you’re just like everyone else on the inside. Unfortunately it seems it
didn’t work. You’re not ending the hurt. You’re adding to it.
It disgusts
me that, while your poor brother who deserves nothing but acceptance and
tolerance is being hurt by people like Ryuu, you’re on here DEFENDING RYUU’S
I have a
challenge for you. Ask your brother. Ask him how much it hurts when he knows,
in the back of his mind, that no matter how much you claim to “love” him, you
don’t accept him for who he is. How much it hurts to know you’d love nothing
but to change something about him because he’s dysfunctional or broken. Ask him
how it feels to be the “wrong” one in the family.
Ask him and
see how long it takes him to break down into tears and tell you about the
unending pain and agony. And it won’t take him long. And I hope you feel
EXTREMELY horrible about yourself. Hopefully horrible enough to change.
Then, AND
ONLY THEN, can you come into OUR house and tell US how inhuman and “atrocious”
we are being for defending innocent people like your brother from people like
Ryuu. I guarantee you, if god exists like Jesus says he does, he loves your
brother a fuckload more than you and Ryuu do. He loves him because he’s gay,
not in spite of it.
Until then,
this is Ebony leaving with a smile, a wink, and a sincere “go fuck yourself.”